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Rules for safe shopping

Security is the top priority in the operation of the online classifieds service https://axl.com.ua. Therefore, we do everything possible to protect our users from various fraudulent schemes that regularly appear on the internet.

When using the service, please follow specific rules:

  1. Before placing an order, gather as much information as possible about the seller.

  2. Carefully study the information about the product or service you intend to order. Exercise caution with overly attractive offers.

  3. Place orders through the AXL service, and conduct correspondence through your personal account or chat.

  4. Never follow external payment links to make payments for orders.

  5. Always verify your order upon receipt before making payment.

  6. Keep documents confirming your purchase.

  7. Do not share personal data with third parties.

  8. Do not disclose your personal information to third parties, including:

    • Your card's PIN code;
    • Your login or password for accessing your personal account;
    • Data from your passport, residence permit, or other documents.